However, I still have not seen MS Complete show up on my account and I do not have the 127782XXXXXX serial listed under my devices. It correctly recognized it as the i5 dGPU model I have. To complicate things, I registered my Book when I got it using the serial number I acquired from wmic bios get serialnumber. Can anyone else confirm that the BIOS listed serial number does not match up with the printed number on the bottom of your book? I imagine as long as I have the printed number correct MS won't have any problems honoring MS Complete but I want to be sure to take care of this ASAP if there's a problem.

However, I'm now noticing that if I run the command "wmic bios get serialnumber" it generate a different serial: 008165XXXXXX. At the store, they took the serial number on my base (127782XXXXXX) and registered that with MS Complete. I purchased my Surface Book through (didn't pre-order, but got lucky on release morning and was able to snag the i5 dGPU 256GB model and overnighted it) and took it into the Microsoft Store a couple days ago to have Microsoft Complete added to it.